Opis storitve
Spoznajte najboljše iz obeh svetov z našo FIRE & ICE masažo! Ta edinstvena izkušnja združuje elemente ognja in ledu za intenzivno doživetje čutov. Pridružite se nam in doživite nekaj res posebnega. Experience the best of both worlds with our FIRE & ICE massage! This unique experience combines the elements of fire and ice for an intense sensory experience. Join us and experience something really special.
Pravilnik o preklicu
Če želite preklicati ali prestaviti rezervacijo morate to storiti vsaj 5 ur pred vašo rezervacijo. Kasnejše odpovedi se ne upoštevajo. Dodatni popusti kot so popust za redne stranke, Nedeljski popust ter rezervacija online se odbijejo ob prihodu ko plačate za storitev. If you want to cancel or reschedule your reservation, you must do so at least 5 hours before your reservation. Later cancellations are not taken into account. Additional discounts such as discount for regular customers, Sunday discount and online booking are deducted upon arrival when you pay for the service.
Podatki za stik
Black Rose Erotic Club/Society Slovenia, Visejec, Hinje, Slovenija